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Farsi Literature

All literature in Farsi language

  • Farsi Spiritual Principle A Day
    $20.00 Farsi Spiritual Principle A Day
    Farsi language edition of Spiritual Principle A Day Book A daily meditation book where each page highlights a spiritual principle with a quotation from NA literature. The excerpt is followed by a reading on the principle...
  • $1.10 Farsi Working Step 4 Guide (IP 10)
    WORKING STEP 4 GUIDE (IP 10) "This is a model," reads the introduction to this booklet, "of what a thorough Fourth Step inventory might be." The inventory itself covers resentments, relationships, self-obsession and...
  • $1.50 Farsi The Group Booklet
    REVISED. This is the primary guidebook to starting and maintaining an Narcotics Anonymous group. Sections answer key questions, including: What is an NA group?, Who can be a member?, Where can we hold NA meetings?, What kind...
  • $1.50 Farsi The White Booklet - Narcotics Anonymous
    THE WHITE BOOKLET. One of NA's earliest publications. First published in the mid-1950s, the White Booklet contains basic definitions of the addict and the NA program, how and why the program works, and what an addict can do...
  • Basic Text 6th Edition (Farsi))
    $20.00 Basic Text 6th Edition (Farsi))
    BASIC TEXT 6TH EDITION (HARDCOVER) First published in 1983, NA’s primary book was revised in 2009 to incorporate new personal stories in the Sixth Edition. “Our Program” contains ten chapters explaining the...
  • Just For Today (Farsi)
    $18.00 Just For Today (Farsi)
    JUST FOR TODAY REVISED EDITION (FARSI LANGUAGE) Daily meditations for recovering addicts. First published in August 1992, this book helps NA members focus on a new recovery principle every day. Each of the 366 daily entries...
  • Farsi Sponsorship Book
    $20.00 Farsi Sponsorship
    Sponsorship book in Farsi language "The Heart of NA Beats when two addicts share their recovery". New experiential book about sponsorship in Narcotics Anonymous! "First hand experiences" and "quotes in first person"...
  • $20.00 Farsi It Works How and Why
    HARDCOVER EDITION NA'S 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. The twenty-four essays in this book examine the spiritual principles and practical import of NA's program of personal recovery and group unity. Ten years in the making this...
  • Farsi Living Clean
    $20.00 Farsi Living Clean
    Farsi Language edition of Living Clean book
  • Farsi An Introductory Guide To Narcotics Anonymous
    $4.50 $3.00 Farsi An Introductory Guide To Narcotics Anonymous
    Specially designed for newcomers, this pocket-sized paperback book contains the Basic Text's chapter on the Twelve Steps plus ten pamphlets: Am I An Addict?, Welcome To NA, For The Newcomer, Another Look, Self-Acceptance,...
  • Farsi Language Guiding Principles book
    $20.00 Farsi Guiding Principles
    Farsi language edition of Guiding Principles book
  • Farsi Steps Working Guides Narcotics Anonymous
    $18.00 Farsi Steps Working Guides Narcotics Anonymous
    STEPS WORKING GUIDES NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Provides a helpful background section discussing the principles relevant to each of our Twelve Steps, as well as some practical, “hands-on” questions for review regarding...
  • $0.25 Farsi Another Look (IP 5)
    ANOTHER LOOK (IP 5) This pamphlet encourages addicts to take a second look at their drug use and identify those things addiction cannot provide them. "Any lifestyle seeking spiritual fulfillment seems to demand the very...
  • Farsi Recovery And Relapse (IP 6)
    $0.25 Farsi Recovery And Relapse (IP 6)
    RECOVERY AND RELAPSE (IP 6) An excerpt from the NA White Booklet, this pamphlet identifies the early warning signs of relapse and tells the addict how to avoid it...
  • Farsi Am I An Addict? (IP 7)
    $0.25 Farsi Am I An Addict? (IP 7)
    AM I AN ADDICT? (IP 7) Twenty-nine questions to help a drug user decide if he or she is an addict.
  • Farsi Living The Program (IP 9)
    $0.25 Farsi Living The Program (IP 9)
    LIVING THE PROGRAM (IP 9) A daily inventory worksheet to help the addicts keep track of what they are doing to maintain and advance their recovery...
  • $2.40 $0.25 Farsi Sponsorship (IP 11)
  • $0.25 Farsi The Triangle Of Self-Obsession (IP 12)
    THE TRIANGLE OF SELF-OBSESSION (IP 12) "Resentment, anger and fear make up the Triangle of Self-Obsession. All of our defects of character are forms of these three reactions. Self-obsession is at the heart of our insanity...
  • $0.25 Farsi One Addict's Experience With Acceptance Faith And Hope (IP 14)
    ONE ADDICT'S EXPERIENCE WITH ACCEPTANCE, FAITH, AND COMMITMENT (IP 14) One recovering addict describes his introduction to Narcotics Anonymous and his journey through NA's first three steps...
  • Farsi Public Information And The NA Member (IP 15)
    $0.25 Farsi Public Information And The NA Member (IP 15)
    PUBLIC INFORMATION & THE NA MEMBER (IP 15) A description of NA's public relations program and how the individual member can help...
  • $0.25 Farsi For The Newcomer (IP 16)
    FOR THE NEW COMER (IP 16) An explanation of the basics of the NA program for addicts attending their first meeting. The pamphlet focuses on the effects of addiction, NA's Twelve Steps of recovery, what it feels like to be...
  • Farsi Self-Acceptance (IP 19)
    $0.25 Farsi Self-Acceptance (IP 19)
    SELF ACCEPTANCE (IP 19) This pamphlet identifies a critical problem: "The lack of self-acceptance is a problem for many recovering addicts." It also identifies a potential solution to this problem: the Twelve Steps of...
  • $0.25 Farsi Hospitals Institutions And The NA Member (IP 20)
    HOSPITALS, INSTITUTIONS AND THE NA MEMBER (IP 20) Addiction drives thousands to "jails, institutions and death." That is why Narcotics Anonymous puts top priority on carrying its recovery message to addicts in hospitals and...
  • $0.35 Farsi The Loner - Staying Clean In Isolation (IP 21)
    THE LONER - STAYING CLEAN IN ISOLATION (IP 21) Many addicts around the world are geographically isolated from other recovering addicts and cannot attend regular NA meetings; other addicts are prevented from attending...
  • Farsi Welcome To Narcotics Anonymous (IP 22)
    $0.25 Farsi Welcome To Narcotics Anonymous (IP 22)
    WELCOME TO NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (IP 22) This piece reinforces the message of the pamphlet, For The Newcomer, assuring the addict who has just arrived in NA that he or she can learn "to live drug free a day at a time; and...
  • $0.25 Farsi Staying Clean On The Outside (IP 23)
    STAYING CLEAN ON THE OUTSIDE (IP 23) "Many of us first heard the Narcotics Anonymous message of recovery while in a hospital or institution of some kind," this pamphlet begins. "Transition from such places to the outside...